What Else Should You Know About SJTU ACEM?
Shanghai Jiaotong University is one of the most prestigious business schools in China, offering a variety of programs tailored for international students. Here are five things you should know about SJTU ACEM:
- ACEM has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality education.
- ACEM’s courses are well-designed to prepare students for successful business careers.
- The school offers a wide range of degree programs to meet the specific interests and needs of students.
- ACEM’s teachers are experienced and skilled in the business world and are well-suited to guide students during their studies.
- ACEM is located in Shanghai, which makes it an excellent choice for international students looking for an affordable, quality education in China.
Introduction to ACEM Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
SJTU ACEM’s business programs offer a unique and comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for successful careers in the global business world. The school’s focus on international business and its joint program with Peking University provides students with a solid foundation in Chinese business practice, which sets them apart from other schools.
In addition to core courses in accounting, marketing, financial management, and globalization, SJTU offers many opportunities for students to gain practical experience. For example, the school participates in the China Internship Matching Program (CIMP) every year, which brings together top internship programs in Shanghai and Beijing. This allows SJTU students to gain valuable experience working with some of China’s leading companies.
SJTU business programs also offer many unique extracurricular activities to foster collaboration and communication among students. These include the Business Club, which offers social events such as golf tournaments and dinner dances; the Entrepreneurship Society, which helps students start their businesses; and the Global Leadership Academy (GLA), an executive development program Learn from leading businessmen around the world.
Overall, SJTU’s business programs are well respected by employers and can prepare graduates to succeed in the global business world.